Just a Little on Terrorism


kmir a

Image from Facebook. Thoughts inspired therein.

1. #TERRORISM IS WRONG. And #Terrorism means attacks on #Civilians. All other explanations are wrong. Sadly, in Kashmir, the North-East and even much of the Country, the #police, instead of being #FriendsOfThePeople, are Terrorising the Civilians.

2. WHY is the man NOT wearing Protective gear? Namely, first of all the Helmet, Body Shields, etc?

3. Hero ban-ne chala. This fellow, with all that rank, wanted to ‘show’ that he is a ‘hero.’ Has he NO Brains? To get in Range of Stones, EVEN IF they are Catapulted?

4. In-Efficient Training perhaps? Then how can he give Efficient Leadership?

5. I have used Very Simple Military terminology, even which will not be understood by Most.

6. The #police and the #homeministry, to use #Pellets instead of #WaterCannons, #TearGas and #RubberBullets in Kashmir, are Still Wrong. They cannot use pictures like these to justify their strategy of using ‘Pellets,’ which is Unethical and Immoral.

7. One cannot forget that more than 40 Civilians have died, (by what else but police reprisals?), whereas I have heard, if I am right, of 1 police personnel killed. What say the numbers?

8. If You want to catch a Tiger, shoot him with Tranquilliser darts. If You kick him, he will Bite You, and You should not and Cannot Cry Foul.


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