Tag Archives: Encouragement

Having a Bad Day? God’s Got You

From this post by Brother Vincent Egoro:

“Folks no matter what you are going through reading this, I want you to realize that we have the presence and actual help of God in all our experiences.”

Very True words.


Vincent Egoro

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We all have our discouraged days, when things do not go well. Your children come back home failing lessons at school even after studying hard and having really done their best, in fact you even helped them through their studies. Or as a mother you fail in your household work; the children are so hard to control.

Or maybe you have been wronged or angered and try as you could, you having difficulty being gentle, kind and patient with the world around you. Or maybe you return home after a long day at work, unhappy, disturbed, defeated or discouraged. You have done your best, but you feel that you have failed.

Life is not always easy for anyone who strives to live at their best. Work is hard; challenges are heavy; responsibility is great. Life’s competition is fierce, there are people trying to pull at you from…

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