Irom Sharmila, India’s Prisoner of Conscience

I like Soldiers. Yet, Surprisingly, it is because of them that a Brave Young Lady, Irom Sharmila, called the Iron Lady because her Indomitable Will, is a Prisoner of Conscience in India.

Terrorists. think Nothing of Holding Civilians Hostage or as Human Shields, or even Downright Killing them. There come Situations where Citizens, Knowingly or, Most of the Time Unwittingly, give Aid to such.

India’s Army, particularly in those areas, wants special powers, given to them under the name of AFSPA, to Enter Houses and Carry out Searches, etc. The Problem, it is reported that Excesses take place. Even unto Rape.

Irom Women go nude

Protesting against the Rape of their Daughters, these Ladies went Nude in front of Army Headquarters.

Irom sharmila


Irom has been on a Fast for FOURTEEN YEARS, Demanding that this act be repealed.

The US met its Waterloo in Vietnam, and russia its own in Afghanistan.

FOURTEEN YEARS is a Very long time. The politicos should have cleaned up the mess by now, or should have repealed the Act in that Area. But, as politicians are known to use Eye wash instead of Addressing the Roots of the problem, Irom remains a Prisoner.


The following article shows the Plight of this Brave Woman, and is Very well written. Please do peruse at:


In a Cruel Joke, if I can call it that, Irom was just recently released on court orders, and Arrested again, all within a number of Days. Long Live Democracy.

6 thoughts on “Irom Sharmila, India’s Prisoner of Conscience”

  1. Very well written. It just goes to show that Power is such an aphrodisiac and so very difficult NOT to exploit.
    Our country will sing poetry for Rama’s 14 years of exile, but look the other way when an ordinary citizen demands justice.

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