Category Archives: Women

On my book (3)


I too have read 100’s (1,000’s?) of books and have felt greatly dissatisfied.




(UPDATED) Gang rapists (who are also Murderers of a 3 yo child), Freed AND Feted



This affair, Thank Goodness, is very much in the (Indian, English) news. Learnt that

Our 11 freed heroes had raped, not just this Bilkis Bano, but also her 3 sisters. Had killed the 3 yo child by smashing its skull. Had killed, in total, 14 people in Cold blood that day! Now free!

Of the panel that had recommended the release, 50% were of the bjp or affiliated to the gujrat gorement.

They are CONFIRMED to have done all these things. …the fellow distributing the sweets had touched the feet of at least one, as seen in videos.

The Rapists have All been released, and, as You see, Welcomed back with sweets, as above, AND garlanded.

Absolute confidence. Crossed legs. Open knees.

The full group is here.

They were/are all her neighbours; and had also Killed Bano’s 3 yo child.

Am particularly Angry to note that the fellow in the Orange at extreme right above, is Already sporting some sort of Knife; Hence the cross belt. And see How proud he stand!

The family, and particularly Bilkis Bano, are supposed to feel Safe.

Below, pic of a fellow, who is said to be surrounded by a security detail numbering a mere 1000.

One of those, a minister, who had recommended the release, has this to say:

“They are Brahmins; men of good character!” the fellow had said. …Gangraping and Killing a 3 yo behooves them. Had not known that.

To the Vast Majority of the Majority community who keep Silent over things like this: A Sannyasi’s curse: May Similar things (RAPES) happen to you and your families. …Ok, may the rapists be brahmins. Let the


Hello Again!


Largely pictorial. Let me start with a toon!


In my case, have not written Anything on this my blog for… I can’t rememember how long.

Have been fairly busy on facebook, twitter n a thing called koo, which aspires to be like twitter. …And here are some of my gems(!), which I had shared over all above.

On Gun control (in the US):

and a few more in that vein.

Then quite a few on (against) Abortion. These were very much responding to telecasts over BBC and CNN; (Indians generally don’t care so long as the Awl is not up theirs, and the Indian media is happy to cater to them).

no. 4 is important


Right on the Independence Day of India, the 15th of August, facebook saw fit to block poor ole me. …It is Very much in the grips of the right-wing bjp, currently the ruling party of India.

Why was I blocked? No info. But I suspect, my posts. Do You find these wrong?

And then, when Twitter Unblocked me (!) and I found my pope‘s mewlings, though in and by himself he is a Very good man (and a Poor leader, in my opinion), I dished off these to him.

Am trying to work more on my Novel. Wish me luck. With Love to You All, Yesudas.


On Abortions, Again


Read that a Woman has been jailed for 30 YEARS for having had an Abortion.

I call this STUPID and SINFUL.

I Do hold Abortions to be sinful. Sinful is The Strongest word for me. [ Ladies, once you have allowed a child, even in the Most Miniscule degree, into your womb, it is no longer a question of ‘your body.’ ]


This is Stupid. [ What worse can We say? ]

Abortions being Wrong (in no small degree), a 30 year sentence is equally wrong. 2 wrongs will not make a right.

Abortions become Problematic only when considered as Ending a life, a thought which is not just sociological, but also much influenced by religion.

catholics being in the majority in El Salvadore, is this a returning of the Inquisition, of sorts?

AND, What did the pope say about this 30 year sentence?


On Abortions


On the ‘Abortion’ issue, (once again).


This is No simple matter, of course. Rape and Unwed mothers, particularly among the Poor, are a Consideration. But for the ‘Free Sex’ world, ( Who else would say: my body, etc? ), as below.

learn to control your sex urge. SLAP that handsome guy, if you have to, bec, when you go and do it, a ‘third’ party, with Equal rights, gets involved.

What about the Rights of the Child?

Search for pictures of Children thrown out into the garbage bin after abortions, before supporting the children of Ukraine.


On Will n Chris, again.


Additions below:

My comment on this post on the following blog:

dtp, I am an Indian. A catholic priest aged 74 yrs. that shd say something. …whatever the backgrounds, I appreciate Will for standing up for his wife. It is Chris n the Oscar committee that should apologize. if somebody talks of violence, it is Chris who is guilty.

The blog here:


Somebody has questioned whether Will would have slapped a white man in the same situ.

But for me the issue is: Do I have to smile/swallow it, if somebody insults my wife? Let me go the whole hog and say what if somebody blatantly misbehaves with my daughter?

…Long topic. Cannot be dealt with in a blog post.

politicos calculate whether they will get votes, or not, by a particular statement/action. most people calculate whether their words/actions will land them in trouble/jail.

I live by the standard that that is No way to live. For me Love, Decency, Courage, Justice, Freedom, Democracy, etc, to name a few, count more than life.

I will Die on my feet, rather than live on my knees.


Changes Needed in catholic church.


WHY does Yesudas berate the pope so?

A. It is Simple. The CEO  is Not supposed to Tighten Nuts and Bolts.

In Acts 6:2 We have: “It is Right for us to Neglect the Preaching of God’s Word in order to handle …finances,” as the Good News Bible puts it. “…Serve Tables,” KJV says.

What it all means is, as We know, God’s Word vs Mundane Matters.

Pope Francis is not just Likable, he is Good. As We have in this video:

But a man who is Celebrated as a Lover of Children and all that, Is Not Speaking out on the Terrible Atrocities being carried out on the Mexican Children by the present day US.

Children getting separated from their parents, by Force, of course, above and below.

Put in Cages, like Cattle, Chickens? Four pictures below:


Shall I call it funny? My Facebook friends do not read posts like these. [ But my Friends on the Blog do! Thanks for that, Folks! ]


To Continue,

Leaving aside the Controversies of the Amazon Synod,

B. Crass Injustices like the Many Children who must be Mental Cases today because of ‘Paedophile Priests,’ and Nuns who were Used (up) by ‘bishops’ being thrown out of Congregations,

Makes My Stomach hurt, any way, as it would be God’s. Let us be One with Him.

Let’s brighten up with some pictures:


Twilight time for the Vatican’s ‘Godfather’

Chile’s sex abuse scandal and the man who once ruled the Roman Curia

The personal power he systematically consolidated over the course of several decades, reaching its zenith in the early 1990s, has begun to wane.

But for some three decades he was the man in the Vatican no one dared to cross. Even the popes he served were careful to gain his consent because of the loyalty he commanded from many key people at all levels of the Roman Curia.

His name is Angelo Sodano,

the reigning dean of the College of Cardinals even now, at the age of 91!

Cardinal Sodano has been charged with protecting prelates tarred by the sex-abuse scandal!

This from:

Now about Nuns, at least One of them:

Vatican Rejects Appeal Of Kerala Nun Suspended For ‘Lifestyle.’


This is Not even the Nun who was abused by franco mullakkal (bp).

Here is the ‘lifestyle’ of the victim Nun:

Vatican Rejects Appeal Of Kerala Nun Suspended For 'Lifestyle'

Is it Enough if pope Francis uses a Simpl(er) lifestyle?

This seems to be called a Simple lifestyle, simply because there are not too many ‘things’ in the room.

Perhaps ‘My’ lifestyle is ‘Complicated,’ as opposed to Simple?

I would BEG People to think about the Cost of Wood and Wooden (Top level Wooden) furniture.

Shall We go to some bishops/archbishops? Just a one. From the States:

Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George’s ‘Crib.’

19 chimneys and sits on 1.7 acres of prime real estate in Chicago’s ritzy Gold Coast neighborhood. It’s worth $14.3 million “as is,” but the property could fetch far more.

This site, from which I have taken the above, will give Much More:

And the NUN has been Evicted for her lifestyle.

What is the Real reason? …She had stood up for, and Spoken out, along with Many more, in favour of a Nun Molested and Raped by bishop mullakkal.

“The charges against Mulakkal include wrongful confinement, raping a woman taking advantage of his official position, unnatural offence, criminal intimidation.”





Responded to Dear Luisa. But it was long enough for me to convert it to a Reblog with those words.

‘My Dear Luisa, like Most of those I know, for me a painting is a picture. All I have seen about them was Pretty, or not! Thus Your analysis of this painting is a lesson for me. Thank You for this!

On the other hand, the thought of the Annunciation brings to my mind Many thoughts, particularly about Free Will!
Why did Gabriel approach Our Lady for this? But wait, Did he? …Had he approached Only this particular Lady in History? Then Her ‘Fiat’ need not have been so celebrated. That it is, proves that the Invitation had been sent to more than One, that Being the Mother of Christ was Not forced upon Mary!’


words and music and stories

Today, 25 March, nine months before Christmas, the Christian Church celebrates the Feast of the Annunciation (Lady Day), which commemorates the visit of the archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, during which he informed her that she would be the mother of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

The Annunciation has been one of the most frequent subjects of Christian art and a lot of works on the subject were made by great artists such as Sandro Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Lorenzo Lotto, Caravaggio, Duccio di Buoninsegna, Jan van Eyck, and Murillo or the frescos of Giotto or Domenico Ghirlandaio among others.

L’Annunciata –The Virgin Annunciate, by Antonello da Messina (1430 – 1479) is an oil painting probably made around 1476 and housed in Palermo.
This unusually simple depiction of Mary is a bit enigmatic and truly innovative breaking up the traditional composition of the Annunciation scene.
Most of…

View original post 597 more words

Will Smith


I stand with #WillSmith on his #slapping the idiot. joke about others’ wives, will you?

The World has a veritable Habit of making mountains out of molehills.

Eg, Will Smith’s slap, and Biden’s faux pas about putin not to be allowed to stay in power, which is Absolutely Right, of course.

And ‘Ignoring Logs in the eye!’

How many are talking about putin bombing Civilian areas of Ukraine, Not allowing People to go to Safety out of Mariupol?

Let me go back to Will Smith.

Throw that trophy in their faces, Will.

A slap and a (verbal) Insult? What is the difference? Unless We take this Stupid Indian court’s ruling: It’s Not hate speech if said with a smile! In which case I say Up theirs, with the requisite smile, of course.


Women Power?


Women do have the power even unto Stopping putin’s war on Ukraine. Which is Why he gives So much care, effort and time, to/in keeping them brainwashed.

But, as I said in my earlier post, a Woman does Not have the…

Knowledge (as denied in russia now; all knowledge only courtesy putin’s media),

Intelligence (which needs nurturing; How can they have this, – I am talking about three fourth of the world, No college education for them!).

(Mostly) Girls brought under the bjp thumb using brute force, pic below, and posting pro bjp heads of colleges and universities, and creating diversionary and oppressive tactics like Denial to cover Head and Upper body from Lechers’ gazes,

Thus proved: At least India is Not interested in educating the Girl child.

Economic Wherewithal: This is not only to go in for expensive college educaion. In India, it is almost Impossible for Women to attend Protests or Rallies, as there might be No bread on the table that day if they went for those. Most of the pictures You see of Hugely attended rallies are those where the participants are PAID, and given Meals. In this case, Anything to Tide over another day.

In many instances, People are Cheated of their ‘payments.’ But still they come.

Pavlov’s Dog Would Come even when he knew the Electric shock would follow!

This time Many Women of North India voted for modi because he had arranged for 5 Kg of grain, per month, per family. The house dog Grateful for its Scraps. Imagine a country grateful for a handout of about 170 grams (c 5.5 oz) of grain a day!

Our Dear Ladies Can do a Lot, and Will do a Lot. I expect it in about a 100 years time.
