ASTONISHING Effects of Exercise!


My Dear Friends, this evening I had to go to Kulithalai, the one-horse town that We have, for odds and ends.

I had decided to walk there, a 2.5 kilometre trip; something of a novelty for me. What I mean is, As I keep saying, I was Born and Brought up on Cement! Have never been too used to Walking. Yet, since the last few Years, am making myself get into the practice.

I had already walked about 3 kilometres during the day, And I had posted NINE articles on the Blog in two days, (and did one more, before this one!). So, as I set out, I was feeling Exhausted. I was promising myself some good rest and went and completed my jobs.

It was As I was reaching back home, towards the very End, that I noticed that I was Not Even Tired!

Altogether I walked some 6+ kilometres today, Not in one stretch, of course, and it has done me Good!

Walking Turtle

This might be more of my Pace! But it works for me. Again, for me, it is the Distance covered and the Time Spent in Walking that are More important than the Pace or the Speed.

At 68 plus years of age, with a Heart Condition, No Medication by choice, And working about 10 hours a day at the computer, this my type of exercise works quite well for me.

PS: Remember Not to Over-do it, Folks! 🙂

Happy Exercise to You!


4 thoughts on “ASTONISHING Effects of Exercise!”

  1. that sounds a commitment and an achievement. I also think your frame of mind helps. You are very positive about things and so you see the positive benefits in everything you do…. this is why onerous tasks don’t seem so daunting. I think walking is very much under rated. Slowing down and walking through your community. I try to start a random conversation with one person very day. Doesn’t always work. Sometimes they think I am mad and walk on… could be right
    I must look for your other blogs. I seem to have missed them


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